Did you know that today is National Unicorn Day?
Unicorns appeared in early Mesopotamian artworks as well as ancient myths of India and China. One story of the unicorn came from the historian Ctesias. He describes the animal as an Indian horse with a white body, a purple head, blue eyes, and a long horn on its head. This animal was most likely an Indian rhinoceros.
During the Middle Ages, those of high honor believed that cups made of unicorn horns would protect against poison. The cups were actually made of rhinoceros horns or narwhal tusks.
Unicorns are believed to be a majestic creature with a horn on top of its head. The unicorn has magical powers and protects those around it.
“A unicorn is a horse with a point of view” – Ron Sexsmith
“The unicorn is not known for its horn, beauty, or purity; but it’s strength and courage as one” – Nicole Beckwith
It is said that unicorns are so pure and majestic that they are the most beautiful thing to exist. Aren’t we all a little bit of a unicorn ourselves? Made to stand out and protect those we love while standing strong.
Go out and be a unicorn, happy National Unicorn Day!
“Be a unicorn in a field of horses” – unknown
By: Amanda Overy, marketing intern