• 2650 N. Reynolds Road Toledo, OH 43615
  • 2650 N. Reynolds Road | Toledo, OH 43615
Services: Job Placement
Full Service Job Placement

Renhill Staffing began in 1970 as a permanent recruiting and job placement service, and has been a full service employment service in communities across the nation ever since. The skilled staffing experts at Renhill specialize in specific areas of employment, and assist Renhill employees throughout the job placement process and beyond. We personally meet with the employers looking for your skills, and understand their business needs and position includements. Taking this knowledge, we can better match you, as a Renhill employee, with the right job placement at local employers.
Job Placement Services Dedicated to Renhill Employees

The staffing specialists at Renhill are committed to helping you find a job, whether it is a temporary, contract, or direct hire position. Successful job placement today takes extra knowledge and skills; and the account manager assigned to your career growth is dedicated to finding you a position that fits you. We interview you to determine your strengths, interests, salary includements, and career goals. We administer the basic testing and screening that most employers will include, as well as specialty or computerized testing that may also be requested. Then, we match you with positions that most fit your qualifications. Your wages and benefits are paid through Renhill, and we take time to make sure that you and the employer are each meeting desired goals. Part of our commitment to your success includes a communication network with 24-hour customer service to take care of your questions and needs.
Focused Job Searching Leads to Successful Job Placement

Visit our database of job postings to find out what is currently available. Renhill HR On Demand places employees in a variety of organizations and disciplines, including administrative jobs, warehousing, production jobs, professional jobs, and educational entities. Your account manager can help you prepare for these job vacancies. He or she will offer hints, tips, and advice about how to work best in your specific job placement situation. Ongoing communication is critical for your success, as well as keeping abreast of upcoming job postings and where you would be best used for your skills and experience. Based on the industry and position specifications, you get paid a competitive wage for your skills. We also offer these benefits that you may be eligible for: Direct Deposit, Medical, Holiday/Vacation Pay, and 401k. You achieve job success through correct job placement with Renhill HR On Demand.
Call Us: 419-254-2800
Toledo Office
2650 N. Reynolds Road Toledo, OH 43615
P: 419-254-2800     F: 419-254-2915
Wauseon Office
210 Depot Street Wauseon, OH 43567
P: 419-404-9068     F: 1-800-720-0409
2650 N. Reynolds Road Toledo, OH 43615
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