Happy National Opposite Day! Remember this as a kid in elementary school? You would wear your shirt backwards or say things like “bye” instead of “hi”. This day has no real history or origins of its findings, but it is believed to come from a children’s game.
Here are some fun ways to celebrate:
- Wear your clothes inside out
- Have breakfast for dinner
- Speak in opposites
- Wear your shoes on the opposite feet
- Call people by their last name first
- Walk backwards
- Write your name backward
President Dwight E. Eisenhower can be thanked for the declaration of this day! Over 60 years ago, the president announced the national day of Day Opposite as a fun moment for his grandchild. On another note of a president and this fun celebration, in the 1920’s President Calvin Coolidge announced that he did not want to run for election, leaving people wondering if her meant the opposite.
Wondering how you can celebrate this fun day? Follow this link to some awesome and unique ideas!
Hi folks!
By: Amanda Overy, Marketing Intern